Weather : Light clouds / W wind 2 bft / Rain <0.00 mm / 1022.6 hpa
Divers : Remko, Ted, Axel,
Goal : Look at airstation ponton SW corner
Max depth : 16.2 mtrs
Duration : 74 minutes
Air temp : 17.8 celsius
Water temp : 19.2 celsius minimum
Fish: > Young Perch and Ruffe resting on bottom. Shrimps are extremely active swimming with the bums up. I saw swimming mosquito larvea at 6 meters, Some mini copepods but not as abundant as I had expected. A layer of sediment already settled on most waterplants.
Plants : Elodea (waterpest) stable, wire algea not growing below 4 mtr. Potamogeton are covered in algea dots
Visibility : approx 3 mtr at 3 mtr
Plants : Elodea (waterpest) stable, wire algea not growing below 4 mtr. Potamogeton are covered in algea dots
Visibility : approx 3 mtr at 3 mtr
Remarks: > 10 divers in a club hence the extreme amount of airborne sediment. We went for the SW ponton to check it’s state. The airhose had broken of so the air bubbled directly from the hose. Airnozzel itself is hanging around 8-9 meters. There is a sharp thermocline at 15,2 mtrs under the ponton goning from 20.8 celsius to 19.2 celsius. Max depth there was 16.2 so in fact only 1 meter layer. At way back going SW and going north west we had very bad visibility from previous divers. Frogkick would make a large difference. Any way we did not see the sweetwater jellyfish.