2012-02-19 11:05 hbos

Weather     : Heavy overcast / WNW wind 4 bft / Rain 0.2 mm / 1019 hpa
Divers        : Thijs / Ralph / Axel
Goal          : GPS buoy and check on bottomframe pontoon /  Meet & Greet Baseline hbos
Max depth  : 18.5
Duration     : 39 minutes
Air temp     : 3 celsius
Water temp: 2.8 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish           : 1 Eal, 1 Ruffe and 1 Perch laying very still on bottom.
Plants        : Waterweed (Elodea canadensis) but shortened to about 10 cm max in height, found at depths of 18 mtrs
Visibility     :  5 mtrs at 3 mtrs of depth.
Remarks     :  > 10 divers in water.

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