2012-05-13 hbos 08:03

Weather     : Clear / SW wind 2 bft / Rain 0.0 mm / 1032 hpa
Divers        : Remko, Kacper ,Axel
Goal          : Long dive and visisbility check
Max depth  : 13.5
Duration     : 107 minutes
Air temp     :  12.0 celsius
Water temp : 11.6 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish           : 3 pike, 1 Zanders, 1 Perch, 1 eal, 2 Carps waterfleas in misty area’s
Plants        : wire algea new shoots of pondweed at about 1-3 mtr depth 
Visibility     : 5 mtr at 3
Yellow viz   : 5 mtr at 3
Remarks     :  > 15 divers in water
Check on distance. Found a boat. Usual debris,Despite the fact that pumps are on visibility at 13 mtr is still oke at east side. Saw two Carps in the usual spot. More milk like between 6 and 1 mtr depth but still 5 meters visibility. 
Saw two dead moulded birds (Coots) again.

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