2012-07-12 20:04 hbos Gutweed diminishing at 19 celsius

Weather : Cloudy /  WSW wind 3 bft / Rain  32.3 mm / 1011.4 hpa
Divers : Remko, Kacper, Axel
Goal : Visibility, Watersamples
Max depth : 14.3 mtrs 
Duration : 95 minutes
Air temp :  14.0 celsius
Water temp : 19.2 celsius minimum
Fish: > 100 young Perch now in actively (fast) swimming schools – clouds of babyshrimp, waterfleas seen in large quantities in Northside at 5 mtr, but much less  at 7-8 mtr depth. 1 Zander, 5 Pike, 2 Eal, > 20 Young Ruffe, american crayfish with one pincher (Orconectus limosus). mini snails are abundant at the bottom at 2-7 mtr which ni retrospect is the case for many weeks actually
Plants : Pondweed (ELodea) is now really starting to grow larger at 19 celsius. Gutweed is diminishing rapidly.
Wirealgea is almost gone.
Visibility  : 5 mtr at 3 mtr depth, 5 mtr at 6 mtr depth
Yellow viz: 6.5 at 3 mtr , 6 at 6 mtr depth.
Remarks : > 5 divers. A concretemixer had been placed next to Reel. It is unknown who placed it. At 7 mtr 120 degrees crossover. Spotted the boat again at 13.7 mtrs and large remnants of the bridge. Schools of youg perch are now racing around and Pike’s are present lurking on these schools at about 5 mtrs near the bottom. You can clearly see more activity at these temperatures of 19-20 celsius. 
Water is still somewhat milky.

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