2012-08-21 20:11 Papa’s Beachhouse

Weather : Sunny / WSW wind 2 bft / Rain 0.1 mm / 1016.7 hpa
Divers : Erna,Axel
Goal : look around NE side
Max depth : 10.7 mtrs
Duration : 60 minutes
Air temp : 22.0 celsius
Water temp : 22.0 celsius minimum
Fish: > young perch, young Ruffe,  1 cranky pike, 1 spined Loach (kleine modderkruiper)
Plants :Elodea very abundant up to 60-80 cms,Wirealgea in huge plucks of algea are mainly at the spots where the sun shines the longest and up to a depth of 4 meters where temp is just over 22 celsius!!!,
Visibility : from 0-3 mtrs depth less, but improves below
Remarks: > 5 divers. Beautiful clay ridges at 6 mtrs loads of fish a

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