2012-08-23 19:48 Papa’s beachhouse

Weather : light clouds / W wind 3 bft / Rain 0.00 mm / 1014.0 hpa
Divers : Remko, Thijs, Iva, Axel,
Goal : Reconaissance dive to SE ponton
Max depth : 15.8 mtrs
Duration : 62 minutes
Air temp :  17.5 celsius
Water temp : 18.8 celsius minimum
Fish: > loads of young perch and Ruffe, 1 eal in the carwreck, 1 Zander, few young zanders.
Plants : Elodea abundant. wire algea only growing in areas where people do not swim
Visibility : no readings
Yellow viz: no readings
Remarks: > 5 divers. Thermocline at 15 mtr dropping from 22.0 to 18.8 celsius. not spectacular but you could feel it. Below thermocline zero visibility. 1 big zander at about 10 mtr overtook us .

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