2012-08-28 hbos papa’s Beachhouse Jellyfish!!!!

Weather : light clouds / S wind 2 bft / Rain 0.00 mm / 1017.2 hpa
Divers : John, Ted, Iva, Axel,
Goal : Reconaissance dive to SE ponton
Max depth : 14.1 mtrs
Duration : 79 minutes
Air temp :  14.6 celsius
Water temp : 21.2 celsius minimum
Fish: > loads of young Perch and Ruffe at about 6 mtr, Middle aged Perch, 1 eal at 12,5 mtr, few young zanders, Spined loach, Sweetwater jelly fish, Copepods (roeipootkreeftjes), Smelt,
Plants : Elodea (waterpest) abundant. wire algea not growing below 4 mtr. One Water Mil-foil plant (Aarvederkruid) at 3 mtr. Potamogeton
Visibility : no readings
Yellow viz: no readings
Remarks: > 7 divers. Visit to the pontoon again to see if there’s any current underneath it.  Near ponton we found larger Copepods. The airnozzle of the ponton was very spectacular to see and we filmed this. See video wall!
There was almost no noise from the bubbles. Iva spotted a jellyfish and the actually feed on copepods.
From the ponton we went towards the east again on 10-12 mtrs. We were not able to do a viz reading, because of the darkness. Near the nozzle only one little Perch hung out between the bubbles to catch small prey. Millions of Hydra’s and mussels grow on the nozzleplate. 
The pontons are in a bad state will probably shutdown permanently because the toxic blue algea doesn’t manifest itself anymore. Also the pontoons cost about Euro 15000,- per season (from april till october).
Pumps which have a total capacity of 375 m3 air /hour need maintenance and electrical power to run.
the pontoons will remain on site in 2013 in the event blue algea starts to grow again. 

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