2012-09-27 20:37 hbos SETL project started

Weather : Light clouds / SW wind 3 bft / Rain 0.9 mm / 1005 hpa

Divers : John, Kacper, Thijs, Axel
Goal : Placing SETL plates
Max depth : 16.1 mtrs
Duration : 68 minutes
Air temp : 12.2 celsius
Water temp : 17.2 celsius minimum
Fish: > 2 Pikes, 1 common bream, ruffe and perch resting on bottom or hanging next to the piles of the paviljoen. Hunting shrimp with their bums op and spread antenni.
Plants : Green algea diminishing. rest of plants is stable. Elodea not growing deeper than 7-8 meter.
Visibility : Estimated 8,0 mtr
Remarks: >5 divers, Thermocline and mist are gone upto 16 mtr under SW ponton. Tarpaulin is completely overgrown by zebramussels again and is surrounded by Elodea. Same situation as december when I first photographed it. SETL plate number H135 and H136 placed.

Project SETL has been enabled by a new collaboration with Duik Team Haarlemmermeer (DTH). They already have a SETL station since 2008 for Toolenburgplas. Interresting is to know what organisms will settle on these plates. Every 3 months these plates are renewed and organisms which have settled on these plates will be analysed. Normally these plates should have been placed on sept 15th, but this is a trial run. On dec 15th one plate will be picked up and the other will hang there permanently. On stichting Anemoon you can find out more about the SETL project. Special thanks to DTH. 

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