2012-10-28 09:53 hbos Many divers in water

Weather : overcast/ SSW wind 3 bft / Rain 0.1 mm / 1014.2 hpa

Divers : Mark, Kacper, John, Marcel, Axel
Goal : Video documentation of bottom structure
Max depth : 15.3 mtrs
Duration : 70 minutes
Air temp : 5.7 celsius
Water temp : 13,6 celsius minimum
Fish: > 5 eal embedded in bottom at about 12-14 mtr depth. 1 Zander at about 13 mtrs. Furthermore I’ve seen no Perch and no Ruffes
Plants : Elodea still stable
Visibility : 7 mtr at 7 meter depth at reel.
Remarks: > 30 divers, No thermocline. We went in the water before the many divers took to the water and we measured visibility. After the many divers submerged. the visibility dropped rapidly. Therefore we canceled the videomaking and just went diving.
There was already much sediment afloat up to a depth of 13 meters. So apparently many divers during the past week have caused this while the wind and natural circulation takes care of the rest.
But that is offcouse logical if the have the choice to dive in Toolenburgplas with a visibility of about 2-3 meters of Hbos with 9-10 mtrs visibility… choice is made very easy.

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