2013-01-20 08:55 hbos Fish with damage.

Weather : Clouded / E wind 5 bft / Rain 0 mm / 997.0 hpa

Divers : Iva, Remko ,Axel,
Goal : Visibility and SETL check
Max depth : 9.5 mtr
Duration : 39 minutes
Air temp : -5.0 celsius
Water temp : 5,0 celsius minimum
Fish: > 1 Zander wounded near th eye and has common fishleach on it’s eye and on it’s head. 1 small perch on the pile. Two dead eals and a wounded Pike also with common fishleach on it.
Baseline visibility: 3 mtr depth -> 8 meters.
Secchi visibility: 3 meter depth -> 11 mtr
Plants: Elodea is virtually gone apart from a few single small plants.

Comment: Mussels at 3 meters and 6 meter begin to dislodge from measurement pile. See photos 
A lot of copepods are swimming in the watercolumn. 
Two copepods found feeding on dead shrimp at about 3,5 mtr depth.
Robin found a new rubber fishing-lure 
Fish seem to become a little weaker.

SETL H136 Start 27-09-12 (grows very small mussels on it which are now bigger than the ones I had found on H135.
SETL H106 Start 15-12-12 has some brown patches (diatoms) on it.

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