2012-01-15 09:32 hbos

Weather     : Light clouds / ENE wind 2 bft / Rain 0.00 mm / 1027.2 Hpa
Divers        : Patrick / Axel
Goal          : Measure visibility with new meter at 6 mtrs depth
Max depth  : 7.8
Duration     : 33 minutes
Air temp     : 2.0 celsius
Water temp: 5.6 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish           : Clouds freshwater shrimps around piles under Paviljoen.
Plants        : Waterweed (Elodea canadensis) range 1-11 mtr No further decay. Fresh new leafs!!! 
Visibility     :  8 mtrs at measurepoint 6 mtrs of depth. no measurement at 3 mtrs
Remarks     :  We were first divers in water. Used yellow card with baseline contrast lines and ambient light.

NEW water analysis
Conductivity: 1.047 mS/cm
PH   :8.04 PH
NO2 :0 mg/L
NO3 :0 mg/L
KH   :7 DH
GH   :11 DH
CO2 :2.22 (calculated)

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