Weather : Overcast / W wind 4 bft / Rain 3.9 mm (2 days before hard winds) / 1007.6 Hpa
Divers : Ted / Gery / Axel
Goal : Measure visibility with at 3 and 6 mtrs depth photoshoot with C. Kuyvenhoven
Max depth : 11.1
Duration : 53 minutes
Air temp : 6.8 celsius
Water temp: 4.8 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish : 2 eals (Anguila anguila), clouds of shrimp around the piles and active Amphipods in plants.
Plants : Waterweed (Elodea canadensis) and new shoots of Curly leafpondweed Potamogeton crispus)!!!!
Visibility : 6.5 mtrs at measurepoint 6 mtrs of depth. 7 mtrs at 3 mtrs
Remarks : < 5 divers in water, The 2 eals were together in one crevasse in a boulder of clay. An exiting photoshoot with Cor Kuyvenhoven en Emiel