2012-02-11 11:03 hbos

Weather     : Sunny/ ENE wind 2 bft / Rain 0 mm / 1037,2 Hpa
Divers        : Ted / Gery / Alex / Martien / Axel
Goal          : Icedive,  measure visibility at 6 mtrs
Max depth  : 7.1
Duration     : 41 minutes
Air temp     : -8.0 celsius
Water temp: 2.8 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish           : Only a
Plants        : Waterweed (Elodea canadensis) but shortened to about 10 cm max in height.
Visibility     :  6.5 mtrs at measurepoint 6 mtrs of depth. With Yellow plate 8 mtrs
Remarks     :  < 5 divers in water. Common fishleach kissing the icefloor. Once it sensed movement it became very active and prone to get my finger. On the piles the mussels have disappeared up to a depth of 8 mtrs. On the bottom around the piles the mussels have piled up.

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