Weather : Sunny / WNW wind 3 bft / Rain 0.0 mm / 1017,0 hpa
Divers : Erna, Remko, Axel
Goal : Visisbility check Watersamples
Max depth : 11.4
Duration : 52 minutes
Air temp : 21.9 celsius
Water temp : 15.6 celsius minimum
Thermocline: Only 1 degree difference at 10 mtrs from 15 to 16 celsius, but still nice distinct layer.
Fish : >5 Perch, 1 Carp, Very dense with Waterfleas, 4 Eals resting between algea. Young shrimp, 3 Pikes
Plants : Algea a little less than 4 days before.
Visibility : 8 mtr at 6 mtr depth
Yellow viz 8 mtr at 3 mtr depth (at Reel)
Remarks : > 6 divers in water
An enormous cloud of dust around the reel with a Pike underneath. Perch eggs have hatched after 28 days!
Watersample taken at 3 and 6 mtr depth. Eals still are taking long naps while anchored and camouflaged in algea.