Weather : Cloudy / SSW wind 2 bft / Rain 0 mm / 1016.2 hpa
Divers : Jack, Kacper, Axel
Goal : Visibility check + Watersamples
Max depth : 14.8 mtrs
Duration : 94 minutes
Air temp : 12 celsius
Water temp : 15.6 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish: About 10 Conger sized eals (I lost count). > 10 Perch, small schools of young (approx 1 cm) perch feeding on waterfleas, 1 zander (alive) 1 pike,
Plants : Algea dots have completely gone at surfacelayer, only shrunk remnants of it on bottom. Some single shoots of pond weed of a meter high. One tiny plant growing from a Mussel See picasa photo’s
Visibility : 8 mtr at 3 mtr depth / 7 mtr at 6 mtr depth
Yellow viz: 10 mtr at 3 mtr and 6 mtr depth (at Paviljoen)
Remarks : 3 divers in water.
Still enormous counts of waterfleas, Dead Zander at Paviljoen at 11 mtrs.
Watersample taken at 3 and 6 mtr depth for weekly analysis.