2012-06-12 20:11 hbos SW airpump working. Piona Longipalpis with eggs

Weather : Cloudy / N wind 3 bft / Rain 0 mm / 1011.2 hpa
Divers : Thijs, Axel
Goal : Visibility check + Watersamples (done by John and Mark)
Max depth : 13.9 mtrs 
Duration : 101 minutes
Air temp :  11 celsius
Water temp : 16.0 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish: About 4 eals > 5 Perch, small schools of young (approx 1 cm) perch feeding on waterfleas, 
Piona Longipalpis (Rode watermijt) laying eggs on curly pondweed. see photo’s on picasa
Plants : pond weed of 1,8 mtr high in southwest corner
Visibility : 4.5 mtr at 3 mtr depth / 4.0 mtr at 6 mtr depth 
Yellow viz: 5.5 mtr at 3 mtr and 6 mtr depth (at Paviljoen)
Remarks : > 10 divers in water.
Watersample taken at 3 and 6 mtr depth for weekly analysis. Due to wiorking airpump in SW corner the airborne sediment along with massive amounts of waterfleas reduce visibility. In dive area visibility is also compromised by many divers. Many (young) shrimps which rest on waterplants. There are areas of fresh pondweed at about 6-7 mtr depth. THe airpump has a big effect now

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