Weather : Overcast / E wind 3 bft / Rain = 0 mm / 998.4 hpa
Divers : Remko, Robin, Axel,
Goal :Look around at NE bank
Max depth : 11.9 mtr
Duration : 45 minutes
Air temp : 3.0 celsius
Water temp : 3,8 celsius minimum
Fish: 1 Zander, many Ruffe, Copepods near drum at 4-6 mtr near two dead Coots.
Dutchi visibility 3 mtr depth x mtr
Dutchi visibility 6 mtr depth x mtr
Secchi visibility 6 mtr depth x mtr
Plants: Elodea , individual small plants grow at banks and individual Potamogeton.
Area A/B
Comment: We headed out the North East bank. As I was checking out the bottom, a little frog caught my eye.
I was amazed to see this little creature at a depth of 10 mtr on a bed of zebramussels. It could be a brown or green frog, but that needs to be determined. As we continued and passed the anchorline of the NE pontoon. At about 4 mtr depth yellow algea can be found attached to twigs and small Elodea. Near the drum the amount of shrimp and copepods increased and not to far away Remko discovered two dead coots. One of them had swallowed a fishinghook and the other was entangled. They were victimized by lost bottomfishgear as I found the weight with the line attached to the Coots beak. Remko also found a lure in the form of a plastic little Pike with a protective sleeve over the hook. So apparently the fisherman did not want to catch anything
We find quite a lot lost fishinggear.
Small frog < 2 cm at 10 mtr depth. |
Potamogeton ?? |